Hello again,
my dear friend. How have you been? I hope you have been doing great. I know I
have. Testimonies, good things arriving, even better coming. Exciting times, I
But, not necessarily the reason I am here.
I am here because of something that was made
clear to me by the Holy Spirit, which I can only but share. A revelation that
stems from the beginning of creation, and reaches into the present. Feel free
to share your thoughts on this at the end.
So, here
goes everything…
Genesis 1:26 shows us the blueprint with
which God used to create mankind. God made man so we could function with 2 different
sets of attributes. His Image, and His Likeness. Only by functioning totally in
these sets of attributes can a God-man hope to have Dominion on Earth. Now, I
used to take this just literally, and I know a lot of Christians did too. I was
made to look like God, physically. The likeness was still a vague concept for
me for a long time, until it was explained to mean functioning like God. Okay.
I still had not understood this. I was still
looking at the top of the river, oblivious to the things that swam in the
Now, with respect to the Image of God, I
later learned that this meant more than a physical resemblance to God. Yes, I
have hands, like He does. Feet. Eyes. Etc, etc but… BUT.
Do we think physical attributes mean
everything to a Spiritual God?
The Image of God in the Bible refers to His
Character. Being like God. Of course, some of us already know this to varying
degrees. The Bible clearly lets us know what having the image of God entails.
The Character of God. The Bible clearly outlines this in Gal 5:22-23. The
Fruits of the Spirit. Love, Joy, Peace, Forbearance/Long-suffering, Kindness,
Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control. These things clearly sum
up what God IS; His BEING. God is Love. God is Joy. God is Peace, etc. To know
God intimately is to know more about His character and to experience these
aspects of Him, first-hand. The plan is this; when we rightfully cultivate the
Spirit of God within us, we produce these fruits in our lives as well. These
are the things the world sees and experiences that makes them identify us as
Christians. Wait, how else did you think the Apostles and Disciples got the
moniker, Christian?
While I studied more on it, I was led to
study the Beatitudes. The Be-Attitudes. The attitudes to Be, as my Pastor would
say. And, I drew a startling comparison between them and the fruits of the
Spirit in Galatians.
First of all, there are 9 Fruits, outlined.
There are 9 Beatitudes. Gal 5:22-23 vs Matt 5:3-12. Here, I have attempted to
match each Gift with its corresponding attitude.
Love= Pure
in Heart
Joy= Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
Poor in Spirit
Persecuted for the sake of Righteousness
Persecuted for the sake of the Kingdom
This blew my mind. Literally. Physically I
might look okay, but spiritually I guess I look like a top-down Mercedes right
now. And just when I thought that was it…
The likeness of God mentioned in the Bible
refers to the Gifts of the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12 clearly outlines them.
These gifts, which are distributed by the Holy Spirit depict how God functions.
God is All-Wise. God is All-Knowing. God is the Miracle Worker. God is the
Master Healer etc. On closer examination of the Gifts, it can be seen that they
perfectly combine and encompass the Total functionality of God.
The awesome thing is, at the VERY BEGNNING,
this is what God had in mind for us as His children. God made us to be gods of
this world, but to be everything He wanted us to be, we had to be and function
like Him. Unfortunately, Adam failed. God, in His infinite mercy, planned for a
replacement. Jesus Christ was the prototype, the Second Adam. He came to show
us how it was to be done, how we were to live and function in this world. The
awesome thing about Jesus Christ is that He came not as God, but as a Man EXHIBITING
the FRUITS of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23) and FUNCTIONING in the Gifts of the
Spirit (1 Corinthians 12). We are to follow His example. As His Children and
Ambassadors, we are to have these 2 attributes at work in our lives.
Do you think you have the Fruits of the
Spirit? Time to start functioning in the Gifts of the Spirit. They are
available to every Christian who asks for it. To have Dominion on Earth, you
must not only have the Fruits, but you must also function in the Gifts of the
Sprit. “…image AND likeness” not ‘OR’. It is not optional.
God bless you
P.S. Before
I go to the music, I will like to direct everyone to an awesome book on the
Gifts of the Spirit. It is titled ‘The Gifts and Ministries of the Holy Spirit’,
by Lester Sumrall. It is this book that set me upon this knowledge-filled
journey. And trust me, I am getting gifts already…
And now, for
the music, I will go with some Dance/Electronica. Capital Kings just want to
let you know that no matter what, you’ll never be alone…Capital Kings: You'll Never Be Alone
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