So here we are, once again. Welcome back. Sorry for the little break in blogition. Not my fault…yeah right. How many times have we told either ourselves or others this same excuse? Hmph. If not my fault, then whose? Truth is, priorities shifted for a while…
Anyway, here we are once again, you, amazing, beautiful, wonderful you, and me, just one little, rough tool still in need of sharpening from the Master Toolmaker in Heaven. Today, I want to share with you all, something that happened to me in church a few weeks ago. It was both awesome and terrifying at the same time.
  It was Communion, and we were to walk to the Altar to receive it. There I was, slowly walking, not really thinking, until I got stopped at the head of the queue as there was no space at the Altar for anymore; I had to wait until the people there had received and left. Then, it began.
  I looked at the Altar before me, and I was struck by how large it seemed. The top seemed to stretch upwards forever, and one thought popped into my head, unbidden: “So God is here, at His Altar.”
  Then, another thought fast on the heels of that one: “This is what it will be like at the Judgement Seat of Christ, when we are all called to give account. We will be called one after the other.”
  And then, the most important thought: “What will I say?”
  And then, I was called forward to receive Communion. However the question kept turning in my head, and I kept asking myself the question. What would I say on that day? When I was asked by God on that day about what I did here on Earth, what would I say?
  On my way back to my seat, I gave myself an answer: “I don’t know.” And then I immediately realized it as the big, humongous lie that it was, and my Spirit answered: “No, I know.”
  This led to something open up for me. On that day, it is our Spirits that will stand before God. The wonderful thing about it is that our Spirit will be incapable of telling a lie, let alone in God’s presence. So if I am asked a question, I will answer. If I don’t, the evidence will be provided before me anyway.
  This question is one that I think every Christian should ask his or herself. When God asks me on that day, what will I say? It will go a long way in directing our actions, I believe. When we truly realize that we will give an account for EVERYTHING, we will act in a such a way as to have books which are balanced before God.
  Romans 14:12 says “So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God,” (NIV).
  When God asks you on THAT day, what will you say?

  Yeah, yeah, I know, the music. But before I give it up, I want you to do something for me. I want you to watch this video, and then I want you to donate to this young man, this friend of mine, Charlie, a man who is answering God’s call for his life. I met him while working in the UK, and we developed a friendship based on our mutual love for Christ, a friendship that is strong till this day. He is a man after God’s own heart, always smiling and eager to help. Donate to his amazing journey. Every little thing will be appreciated. The details are below:

Acc number: 34077968
Sort Code: 30-92-33

  And now, the music. For today, I will be going with For Today. No pun intended. The title of the song is Foundation. It is a song with not just a powerful and soul-searching message, but a gripping video as well, helping to drive the Truth home. Seriously, watch it: For Today: Foundation

Have a Rocking rest of the week.
Till we meet again, soon…


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