
Showing posts from 2015


STIR IT UP Something happened a long time ago. I must have been five or six then; I don’t remember. But I do know it was a long time ago because this was in our former house in the village, before it was painted and renovated. Good times. Simpler times. I remember waking up with the excitement that only the village could give; the morning call of the birds, the gradual rise of the sun. After brushing, we-my siblings and I-all ran to the gigantic udara tree that stood sentinel over our homes, myself, my siblings, cousins and basically almost everyone in the village, save the men and most women. A few people came to pick some of the fruits for their market. Us? We just wanted to have some udara before breakfast. Anyway, I remember our Nanny calling us in to have breakfast. We were already sweaty and a little dusty, but this was the reason we were back home, to get away from it all. Besides, it was Christmas, and we were home to have fun. So, breakfast. Bread and tea. I was in...


THE BEGINNING OF THE END Isaiah 46: 9-10 “Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure” Good morning family. Today, I have one message and one message only: Prepare to meet the Lord, for His coming is upon us. Hold up. Yes, this may be an uncomfortable subject; a colleague of mine basically flips out whenever I mention this issue. That doesn’t stop it from being the truth though. I was actually given an awakening over the course of this past weekend, and I have not been able to stop thinking, or talking about it since. And I don’t want to, to be honest. Some of you may ask, what’s the big deal? Why do I need to prepare? Why don’t I just wait until a bit later? Let me give you a scenario: you have an interview. Scratch that; I will use me. I rem...


You know, sometimes you sit back and ask yourself, out of the blue, How did I get here? What am I doing? What is going on? And 9 times out of 10, we don’t have the answer… Good morning, or good afternoon, or good whatever time zone you are in. Are you still in bed? Here, this should wake you up. Wake up! Still feeling drowsy? What, you don’t feel so good? You know what they say; an apple a day, keeps the doctor away. So, just to be on the safe side…   This will keep away a whole hospital. Okay. Good. Here we go. So, sometimes a question comes up in your mind and you begin to question the universe. Well, I have been there, and I was just there again this past weekend. Okay, not on the scale of me questioning the universe, but… Over the weekend I was privileged to witness the wedding of a cousin of mine. A beautiful event. Lovely, absolutely lovely. Made me realize that everyone around me was getting married. In fact, I felt like getting marr- G...


WHAT I LEARNED THIS TRANSFER WINDOW This post is not necessarily about football, but it just shows that God can use anything to teach and reach us. And, it is true. Read on.   So yes, I am a football fan. Who isn’t? You? Oh well, good on you; saves you the nail-biting tension. And when you support the team I do, which is Arsenal, oh, my, word. Believe me when I say that supporting that football club is a lesson in Hope: hope that they will do better, sign who they need, win their games etc. Hey, don’t tell me to leave them. Been a supporter since ’99, and I love them too much to run away. Not the Shield of Faith. Not even close.   So, Benzema.   Yes. Arsenal tried their best to sign him. Newspapers predicted he was moving. Football agents called it a done deal. A particular football agent said broadcasted it with so much confidence on Twitter that I had to go through his previous activity. Scrolling, I saw that EVERY SINGLE TRANSFER he had talked a...

Picking The Scab

Hey there. Welcome back. I am sorry for the long, long silence. I have had a few challenges which, by God's grace, I am overcoming. Coupled with personal goals, it has been quite and challenging. But thank God I am here, and back, by His Grace. And I want to share something with you. For some days, starting maybe last weekend, I began to have an issue with my nose. It felt like there was a little...pimple in there, for want of a better word. It irritated me to no end, and it hurt when I tried to touch it, so I guess I was stuck. Coupled with the fact that I was just recovering from a battle with Malaria, I was pissed for days. So I did something. I spoke. In prayer, I commanded the issue to dry up and my nose to heal. Glory to God, in less than 24 hours, it did. The sores and pimples (😃?) in my nose, actually my left nostril, began to dry up and scab over. So, I was grateful and happy. ...Aaaaand I have also been picking the scab ever since (gross, I know ,but I ma...